Module Variations

Enter any available suffixes at Extensions - Module Manager - Module - Module Class Suffix.

This template's module system comes with a wide range of module styles, color variations, badges and icons. Below you can see which module styles come with color variations and with which badges and icons you can combine them.Here is a list of the available options:

Box box1, box2, box3
Bg bg1, bg2, bg3, bg4
Icons tablet, cogs, phone.vv.. You can find the full icons of usage at Font Awesome 4.2.0
Other blank, menu

Alcune delle immagini presenti sul sito sono prese da . Export Pdf icon icon by Icons8


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  • Citta: 87041 Acri (CS)
  • Tel: 0984-1861922
  • Fax: 0984-910629


Operatori Economici

  • Codice Univoco: U F F V V W
  • IPA: istsc_cstd07000t
  • Codice Fiscale: 85000410788
  • Cod.Mecc: cstd07000t